

The stockings are emptied and the tree is bare. Christmas came through in a flash this year. Our kids agree they are probably some of the most spoiled there are and yet the thought of their excitement will be enough to last a whole year. But they aren't the only ones who love their gifts. My hubby surprised me with something I've been begging to have for nearly a year. My very own wine kit!! I feel like squealing with excitement just typing the words!
After traveling around the midwest in search of new wines from local vineyards and meeting so many winemakers I've decided I need to be a part of it all. I've seen operations ranging from elaborate steel tanks in picturesque ranch resorts to plastic buckets in the back of a storage shed. It seems to me that anyone and everyone is making wine so why can't I? How hard could it possibly be? Famous last words, I'm sure.
I've looked through site after site and asked as many questions as I can come up with and I. Am. READY! Well, as ready as any vintner can be without her equipment or the actual juice to begin the process. But those are merely details. Hell, I've already come up with 96 different possibilities for names and my labels is practically designing itself. I should probably start looking for my own winery site because this thing is going to be a huge success. The only other small detail not covered is my patience. Something tells me that if I can't learn patience through wine making it may never happen.
Tomorrow is the day I pick up my kit and begin my new career. Vintner Extraordinaire.

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