
meet my blog

I've been inspired. After months of reading a girlfriend of mine's blog and having my family and friends become upset with me for my terrible communication skills, I've decided to start my own so everyone can stay in the loop.

Now, I don't know anything about blogging. I read blogs. I figured out how to write (read: cut & paste) the code to make mine look cute. And I've (fingers crossed) figured out how to post to my blog. However, when it comes to the topic I'm in the dark. So, while I'm getting in the swing of this whole thing, please stay with me. I promise at some point I'll get this blogging thing down and can hopefully keep you up to date on my jet-setting self. Or the life that I actually have.

Stay tuned...


  1. Thanks for keeping us informed!! Love you, MOM

  2. welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. it will be everything you though, and more!


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